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Milton Keynes Grading

December 14


Milton Keynes Grading will be taking place at Mathiesen Centre Trust.

Licences must be in date.

Please ensure all jewellery and watches are removed.  Full gi must be worn (no tshirts).

If you are grading for yellow belt or above, please ensure you have the full sparring equipment including headguards, groin guards for men and chest guards for women.  Gloves and footpads must be ECKA.

Times for the grading will be released the Thursday before the grading.

Pre-registration is essential.  Grading fee and licence must be handed in by Wednesday 11th December.


December 14
Event Tags:


Sensei Dev Barrett


Mathiesen Centre Trust
4 Mathiesen Road
Bradville, MK13 7AG United Kingdom
+ Google Map